Working towards races

☆ Heat acclimatization: Take a bath containing 2 to 3 tablespoons of salt at around 45 degrees for 20 to 30 minutes (sweating effect of salt, even if you put an umbrella in a mist sauna)

☆ Packing: Be sure to finish by the day before
☆ Supper the day before: healthy meal + be sure to take iron (* liver, seaweed, kale), no fried/fast food
☆ Sleep: 7 to 9 hours (depends on the person)
☆ Race day meal: Up to 3 hours before the event (Apples, bananas, brownies, and other snacks are ok to be eaten within 3hrs of the race
☆ Breakfast: Vegetable main + * liver, seaweed
☆ Meals between 2 races on the same day(finals, 2 different events, etc): light meal, sandwich, etc, no dairy or raw food(sushi etc)
☆ Warming up: that suits you, don’t change you routinely just because you’re warming up with other people → note the warm-up of a race you did good at
☆ Beverage immediately before: Beverage with caffeine → Adrenaline (coffee, black tea, tea with caffeine)
→ Some find this effective, some don’t. Caffeine may affect you both ways, be careful if you’re using this method for the first time